The scariest place on earth is the bit of floor just around my family's toilet after all the men get through with their morning whiz.
It takes real courage to go in there and clear off those Spirits of Ammonia!
no, i'm not referring to the borg palace in n.y. i was watching the tv show where they select a family to spend a night roaming around a haunted island, castle etc.
now if the god/devil concept isn't right, what causes the energy forces to scare the hell out of those people?
if this was discussed before, bear with me i'm a newbie trying to figure out what to believe.. never give up, and never under any circumstances, face the facts-r.gordon
The scariest place on earth is the bit of floor just around my family's toilet after all the men get through with their morning whiz.
It takes real courage to go in there and clear off those Spirits of Ammonia!
those of us who are in the ranks of dedicated witnessess what are you doing or plan to do to influence the world around you spiritaully?
like swelling our ranks or being a personal demonstration of the truth?
I influence the world spiritually by playing good music real loud so the whole neighborhood can share it with me.
I also spend a lot of time debunking and exposing various cults, particularly the Jehovah's Witness cult, since it is one of the most dangerous mind controlling groups and I know a whole lot about them. This is a wonderful spiritual service to the world. It makes me proud and happy to be of such service to humanity.
i smell something burning; oh, just me thinking again!!.
anyway, one thing i always missed were the holidays-christmas especially.
i know that this is an unproven celebration to say the least, but i have always loved the warmth and beauty of this holiday, although very commercialized in this day and age.
I say, celebrate ALL of 'em! You can get those cool calendars that show every holiday from every culture and nation... if you work at it a bit you can manage a holiday ever week or so! Cinco de Mayo, Hannukah, Yom Kippur, Kwaanza, Saint's days...and of course you can find interesting holiday customs from around the world to embellish your celebrations. We decorate the giant spider for every holiday, too...maybe this year I'll scan his picture for ya, he has a little Santa hat and a web o'lights with precious little stocking, hanging in the window next to the tree...
I don't recommend you try to get your employer to give you time off for all those holidays though .
The trick is, to make the celebrations festive without bankrupting the family. Christmas can be rough with a huge family like ours so we have tried to concentrate on giving the kids a great time without worrying about lots of gifts.
And of course holidays are a great excuse to kick out all the jams and do some major COOKING! My sibs know that what they can expect from Mommie is lots of cookies & bread. Got a standing order for those gingersnaps from one of the little brothers...
I've made it a point to share all holiday origins with Little Dark. We relish every pagan custom and superstition that led to our modern celebrations. It's a good way to connect to the ancestors and to acknowledge the best things about our shared humanity.
hi everyone, i'm a musician so this poll is quite interesting to me(not that the others aren't.....).. 1. wishbone ash.
2. genesis.
3. extreme.
COMG the Focus album you want is called 'Moving Waves' and I don't know for sure but I think Papa may have it somewhere. Email me and I will see about sending it to you.
"Hocus Pocus' and Edgar Winter's 'Frankenstein' play great back to back. Follow them with Funkadelic's 'Maggot Brain' and you don't even need drugs to trip out...
Here's my partial list (my fave band is whichever one is grooving me at the moment):
Grant Lee Buffalo
The Beatles
The Temptations
Pink Floyd
Jimi Hendeix Experience
Brian Augur Express
of course there are hundreds of others. It depends on mood, circumstance, and plain old whim.
I learned the joys of pot from Frank Sinatra: Strangers in the Night IS about smoking for the first time, right? (Doobie, doobie, doo---bie doobie doobie, doobie doobie doo--) Oh you Frank, whatta guy!
here is emily at 8 months on the beach at emerald isle, nc.
she's my latest grand daughter.
you can see her personality in this picture.
But Friday, I thought your god doesn't want anyone to die, but wants all to attain salvation? If His Revealed Word is so obscure and hard to figure out, that makes it pretty worthless. YOu can't have it both ways...either it's THE guidebook for all seasons or it isn't. If it's obscure and hard to figure out, it's useless as a practical guide for living.
So is the Gospel message of salvation simple and clear and easy to attain, or is it difficult and obscure and you have to work your sorry sinful ass off to figure it out? Which is it?
Sometimes I wonder if you actually lend a second's thought to some of the things you assert. If your god is that devious and tricky, he's a right bastard and doesn't deserve an iota of respect.
in the bible times, men 'could'/'did' shave their faces?.
the question comes from a conversation with my father (elder).
he says the reason why all men had beards was that they could not shave them because there wasnt anything sharp enough.. i am sure their swords were sharp enough alone to do it.. (he is very against people growing beards, i guess it pisses him off that i've got a goedee now hehe)
Some native Americans shaved with sharpened clam shells; they would shave elaborate designs on their heads, shave in ways designed to make them appear more fierce, for personal expression or to display some tribal solidarity. Some tribes made rituals of plucking hair to alter appearance, too.
The comment about not having shaving instruments is just plain ignorance. Humans are toolmakers, and the urge to alter our appearance is as old as the race. Combine the two and it's inevitable that someone would figure out a way to control that pesky hair and make doing so part of some ritual.
I have heard that in ancient Egypt it was common to shave off all body hair as a hygiene measure. I seriously doubt this practice would have gained much favor as an everyday measure unless it was pretty easy to do.
i'm just curious as to how many ex-witnesses here still believe in the god of the bible ?
and how many, due to the societies teachings have given up on god all together ?
The Society had nothing to do with my rejection of the Bible and its vicious god. That came years later, after I learned how to think and research on my own, after years out of the Tower searching for answers. WHen I realized what a truly horrible book the Bible is, and what a vicious selfish maniac Jehovah of the Bible is, it wasn't hard to figure out that the whole thing is just based on superstition and fear.
The Watchtower is just one of many evils perpetrated on the world by religionmongers.
dr. muramoto and myself have had to take a step back to care for personal.
issues but we hope to be back to full speed next year.. we have completed work on a major article to be published in an american.
medical journal later this year.. i am nearly done with another article on the blood issue for a different.
Lee said, "I was intrigued by a newsreport today concerning a new law passed
in Connecticut that makes it illegal for principals, teachers, counselors and other
school officials to recommend to parents that their children take psychiatric
medication for behavioral or learning disorders. The law effectively prohibits
school personnel from practicing medicine without a license. The law is the
first of its kind in the U.S."
It's about time! As a parent of two ADHD sons, I heartily applaud this legislation. I've been screaming about this since my kids were in school and I had to deal with various boneheaded academicians who think Ritalin is a magic bullet to miraculously control all sorts of non-comformist behavior in troubled kids. Teachers fatuously suggesting sotto voce to distraught parents that a trip to a certain pediatrician who is 'friendly' to 'these families' might get some instant relief in the form of those Mother's Little Helpers. Teachers and other school personnel getting downright shirty when informed that they are in fact giving medical advice to these families. I can't tell you the number of distraught parents I heard from during my activist years; a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and most school personnel have precious little actual knowledge about ADHD, although they fondly imagine that one in-service seminar on the disorder qualifies them as experts.
There are a number of other neurological and emotional disorders that share certain symptoms with ADHD. Diagnosis is not simple, and ruling out all other causes of these symptoms is a job best left to the experts: in this case, ONLY a neurologist can diagnose ADD with or without hyperactivity. ADHD is a handicapping mental disability and only a qualified specialist should deal with diagnosis and treatment.
There is no 'cure' for ADHD, and drug therapy doesn't work wonders for more than a small percentage of patients. A combination of intensive counseling, drug therapy, and classroom modifications to accomodate the child's handicap may result in success; however, school personnel not only try to railroad families to go for the fast fix, they tend to be downright hostile to kids who don't respond well to drug therapy alone, considering clinical suggestions for classroom modification to be interference in their province. They consider ADHD a behavioral disorder, environmental in nature, and refuse to acknowledge the actual physical mechanism that causes the brain dysfunction.
I have known families where Ritalin and other stimulants did not have the desired effect; these kids are often subject to a roulette of antidepressants and other mood altering drugs, often at the insistence of harrassing school personnel, when in fact what they need is more classroom assistance and some multisensory reinforcement of lessons, nothing more.
It's a volatile issue for those involved. I'm so happy Connecticut has taken this first step; I hope other states follow in short order. You would be appalled if a teacher told you your child needed surgery; why should you swallow other medical advice from a grade school principal or teacher?
i was reading about this in the mirror-universe db (there is a mirror universe bboyneko there complete with goatee and a mirror universe fredhall who is an intelligent dog and a mirror univrse dunscott who is dumb as a doornail, e.g: concering duuuuuuuuuh).
apparantly a pregnant jw lady had met another pregnant woman from her same neighborhood and they chatted a bit, later the jw family put up a car for sale and the pregnant neighbor came down to check it out.
then she got the jw to her house and killed her, and cut out her baby.
They have hearts of stone. The grieving husband and father waited just seven months before marrying a new Jdub bride to tend the infant and wash his skidmarks.
i received this through e-mail on another forum "pioneeroutreach".
fascinating, horrible, reading.
it's long - but guaranteed to leave you thinking "what the ........".
I just wanted to interject an observation here: this woman has run up against academia and been treated to some school district 'good ole boyism'. Although schools pay good lip service to 'being there' for kids reporting abuse, there is a time-honored tradition of CYA among their own. Her experience is not unique.
In Akron OH last year there was a case where a guidance counselor was seducing teen boys and actively stalking at least one of them; when two boys complained, they were both promptly expelled from school for trying to damage the man's reputation! I know the parents of one of these young men; the frustration was incredible, it ravaged their family. A bright talented young man ended up dropping out of school literally weeks before his graduation. The pervert was only brought to justice when it was revealed that he had been accused of fondling a grade-school child 20 years earlier in the same school district; the district's response was to transfer both teacher and student to different schools! When this bit of information came to light, the school was forced to investigate the perv, and suspended him pending the legal proceedings. Once the investigation brought the stalking and phone harrassment to light, he was nailed. Lawsuits against the district are still pending. It took a tremendous amount of negative publicity for the district to even admit there MIGHT be a problem with their procedures, even though there was a past history of cover-up.
I have no trouble believing that if her ex is relied on for critical service, the district wouldn't hesitate to try to strongarm this woman into shutting up. Especially if she's ever had adversarial encounters in the school related to her Jdubdom (and if she's been homeschooling there may be some contempt directed over that too).
I once knew a Jdub whose ex had incested their daughter. She told me "I knew something was wrong when he quit wanting to have sex with me. Well, he had him another woman." She meant her ten-year-old daughter! I was horrified, and said so. I told her that wasn't another woman seducing him, it was the innocent victim of a horrible crime! THIS WAS A REVELATION TO THE SMEGGING COW! I can't tell you how outraged I was by her attitude. She had expressed this idiot notion in talking to elders and NOT ONE PERSON EVER DISABUSED HER OF THINKING OF HER DAUGHTER AS A RIVAL!!!!!
I don't know if it's dubdom that makes these women clueless, or if clueless people just naturally gravitate to high control groups. I do know that given the ignorance and denial of this woman, her kids don't have much in the way of chances. I sincerely hope she finds better counsel than what she'll get from Watchtower drones.